Thursday 23 March 2017

Hepatitis B vaccination understanding and its prevention.

                                                       HBV Immunization

Routine infant immunization. Additional immunization strategies include prevention of peri-natal transmission. First dose of HBV vaccine should be given as soon as possible after birth to prevent peri-natal transmission. 
Age of vaccination is an important factor in the immunogenicity of HBV vaccine.

First injection at any given time. Second injection one month after the first one. Third injection six months after the first injection.
HB vaccine is administered through intra-muscular route in the antero-lateral aspect of thigh or deltoid.The standard pediatric dose is 0.5ml.

Other preventive measures:
While handling human blood, body fluids universal precautions should be used. There should be good personal hygiene, strict surveillance and control measure to limit transmission. Some people are apparently healthy yet they are eligible for treatment.Other strategy should include a program targeting HBV preventive efforts including vaccination for high risk groups.

By Dr Aamir Iqbal and Dr Nisar

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